I can’t claim discovery rights for this – said credit goes to [Omni](http://omni-remix.livejournal.com/) from my forums – but [VJ Army](http://vjarmy.com/iidx/) was [thanked in the manual](http://vjarmy.com/junkbin/wowbc-vja.jpg) of the new World Of Warcraft expansion, [Burning Crusade](http://media.worldofwarcraft.com/bc-minisite/index.htm).
This doesn’t come as a huge shock to me – details as to the how and why are detailed in my [needlessly gushing post](http://vjarmy.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=3721&view=findpost&p=99945) on the forums.
Still, it’s well timed – VJ Army turns 3 this Friday.